Tzinit snapshot service (Asia)

You are using the Asia snapshot service. Please use your closest option: Asia, Europe, or US.

Snapshot links
mainnet ghostnet parisnet quebecnet weeklynet
v20.1 v20.1 v20.1 93b781c06d
full full full full -
rolling rolling rolling rolling
Download snapshots over HTTPS


you can download the latest snapshot from:

Example: download and import a rolling snapshot over HTTPS using wget:

wget -O snapshot_file
octez-node snapshot import snapshot_file
Download snapshots from Google Cloud Storage

Download using the gcloud CLI:

gcloud storage cp gs://tf-snapshot-asia/N/M snapshot_file

Example: download and import a rolling snapshot using gcloud:

gcloud storage cp gs://tf-snapshot-asia/mainnet/rolling snapshot_file
octez-node snapshot import snapshot_file
Set up Bakebuddy from a snapshot

Here we set up Bakebuddy from a rolling mainnet snapshot:

tezbake bootstrap-node
Mount the Google Cloud Storage using fuse

The storage buckets (e.g. gs://tf-snapshot-asia) can be mounted using the fuse filesystem. This means you can use the snapshots without downloading them directly to your machine. Please see the GCS Fuse documentation for more details.

mount -t gcsfuse -o ro,anonymous-access,implicit-dirs tf-snapshot-eu /snap
octez-node snapshot import /snap/mainnet/full
Snapshot Information

Information about the snapshot including level and head block hash is available as a JSON file at:

